“Unconditional Love” – by Ramloti

Unconditional love is often recommended or strived for, but seldom given or experienced, leading many to believe it is not even possible. The definition of unconditional love is caring about the happiness of another person without wanting anything in return. With unconditional love, people are not disappointed or angry when we make our foolish mistakes, when we don’t do what they want, or even when we inconvenience them personally. Unconditional love fills us up, makes us whole, and gives us the happiness we all want.

Most of us suffer greatly from pain caused by the lack of unconditional love in our lives, and we use power, pleasure, money and pleasing others to make ourselves feel better.  But, sadly, those strategies don’t have lasting effects – they are very unproductive in the long run.  What will truly help us feel better – less stressed and more peaceful – is unconditional love.

Through learning about unconditional love we learn to identify our unproductive behaviors and see how self-sabotaging they are to our quest of finding deep peace and happiness. We begin to see how many times a day we lie, manipulate, judge, attack others, react out of fear, try to control others, blame our anger on others, play the victim, run, respond with passive-aggressive behavior, and use a myriad of other fear-based behaviors. We use these “coping behaviors” in an attempt to fill the void that is created when we don’t feel unconditionally loved. This emptiness in the world has become so prevalent and these “coping behaviors” have become so common that we often call them “normal”, but they are actually destroying our relationships, our families, and our societies.

This work for me has been deeply profound, and I am happy to share it with folks. For this reason I became an Unconditionally Loving coach. I run a weekly group in Crestone, CO, host a weekly conference call, co-host a 3-day Unconditionally Loving Retreat twice a year in Crestone, and facilitate seminars and retreats around the country.

For more information on the next Unconditionally Loving Retreat, please go to www.UnconditionallyLoving.com/online-retreat/ or just give me a call at 719-480-5514. Myself and other Unconditionally Loving coaches are offering this so that others too can experience a deep and lasting sense of peace and fulfillment that deeply satisfies and enlarges the soul. It is a sense of wellbeing that doesn’t go away when circumstances are difficult, but actually survives and even grows during hardship and struggle and when we share it with others.