About Us

Ann Haag
Ann Haag

I grew up in a family that I would have described to be loving and normal and average. I would say that we looked the part very well and didn’t know any different. Hey – you don’t know what you don’t know right?! But I did know that things in my home life were not going the way they were supposed to. I was following “the rules” – we were church going, we had solid steady jobs, we were involved in activities. And yet my two boys at the time were becoming very difficult and disobedient. What an eye opener when I learned the reason my children were behaving this way was because I didn’t unconditionally love them! And even more shocking when I found out that I didn’t know how to love them unconditionally because I hadn’t been shown it myself.
I continued to learn, hired a coach, had intensives, did what it took to learn to love my family unconditionally.
Understanding the definition of love and then finding people who knew how to love and who loved me made all the difference. I changed the trajectory of my life, my marriage and my kids’ lives, and I truly believe this work saved our family.

Contact Ann at:
annhaag00@yahoo.com or (701) 321-0731 texts & calls (Central Time)

Inge Jechart

I have been learning about and practicing how to love people unconditionally for about 15 years and became certified as a coach in 2011. Learning how to be more loving (including learning how to say “no”), and how to be myself, has been an incredibly fulfilling journey. My sons will tell you that their relationship with me is much different now than it was ten years ago – kinder, calmer and more fun. I enjoy sharing the very practically oriented principles of Unconditionally Loving with the community and learning alongside with everyone.

Contact Inge at:
Inge@UnconditionallyLoving.com or 925-963-6439 texts & calls (Pacific Time)
For more information about Inge’s coaching, visit www.JechartCoaching.com.

Kim Grindell

Before l started doing this work, I spent most of my days feeling bad about myself and working really hard to prove to everyone that I was good enough. It was exhausting and I was miserable. In 2015 I decided to learn the principles of Unconditional Love in earnest and reach out for help. Miraculously, my life began to change and the cloud of fear and doubting my worth slowly dissipated. I’ve developed a strong relationship with God that is a beautiful foundation for my life. Now I feel loved and worthwhile which makes for peace in my heart and days filled with happiness. This work is not easy or a quick fix, and I still need to keep at it…but it’s so worth it!

If you’d like to learn more and experience the kind of peace I’ve found then reach out for support. We can’t make these changes on our own, and there are loving guides walking this path who are happy to help you along the journey. Feel free to email or text me any time. I’d love to share these principles for a life of freedom with you.

Contact Kim at:
kim.lovinglife@gmail.com or 907-310-4942 texts & calls (Pacific Time)


In Fall of 2015 I first was introduced to the principles of Unconditional Love.  I realized that, although I had always considered myself to be a loving person, I actually had a huge need to have people pay me for my kind deeds with gratitude, accolades, and return favors – it was what kept me going.  I learned that this was the perfect example of conditional love and began to understand why my life felt shallow, why I did not have very close relationships, and why I was beginning to feel less and less motivated to do my work.  I was ready for a deeper, happier, more connected life, so I dove into learning as much and as quickly as I could.  I started working with a coach.  Later I began facilitating a support group that is based on the principals of Unconditional Love.  After having attended several workshops, I began teaching a course in parenting based on these principles.  I love the peace, love, and joy I feel in my life now, despite a busy work schedule, and love to share the joy and principles with others.

Contact Ramloti at: 
ramloti108@gmail.com or (719) 480-5514 texts & calls (Mountain Time)